Powers of Attorney

Powers of Attorney A Power of Attorney for Property may save substantial time and money in the event of incapacity or an extended time away from home and is relatively inexpensive. The word Attorney in this context does not mean lawyer. A Power of Attorney for...

Possessory Title

Possessory Title The recent case of Clark v. Kwasney decided by Mr. Justice Reid here in Hamilton further emphasizes the difficulty of establishing “squatters’ rights”. Counsel (Bordin) was unable to convince their clients to settle and therefore the matter proceeded...

Need of a Lawyer – Home Buying or Selling

Need of a Lawyer – Home Buying or Selling When you buy a home the first step is usually to sign an Agreement of Purchase and Sale. This agree ment outlines each person’s rights and obligations and sets out what must happen before final closing. As such, it is...

Catastrophic Impairment

Catastrophic Impairment The loss of the interdependent relationship can best be described as the loss of opportunity to form a permanent interdependent relationship with another individual whether that be through marriage or common law co-habitation. The main...

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims: FAQs

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims: FAQs Motor vehicle accidents are fairly common, but many people are still unsure about what to do in the moments after an accident. Below are a few common questions and answers to guide you in the right direction. 1. How do I contact my...

Homeowners Insurance Policy

Homeowners Insurance Policy Every so often, I will get a call from someone who is having difficulty in making a claim under their homeowners insurance policy. Most of us are used to representing clients in first-party claims relative to their auto insurance policies,...